Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let me introduce myself

Hi. My name is Emily Ryall and I am from Encinitas (near San Diego), California. I have four younger sisters ages 17, 15, 13 and 10, who I am very close to. My sisters are what I miss most about being away, but I also miss the warm California sunshine!
This is a photo I took at one of my favorite beaches
in Encinitas called Swami's Beach.

Me and my four younger sisters.

My family came to the United States two generations back; both my dad's mother and my mom's father immigrated from England to Canada, and then to the US when they were young. My dad sells software at a company called Quest Software for a living and my mom is a "stay-at-home mom" busy taking care of all five of us kids.


I think one of the main problems to watch out for in the US, particularly for young people, is our over-dependency on technology. It is far too easy these days to become addicted to things like facebook, cell phones, iPads, etc. It seems to create a barrier between individuals. One used to have to actually interact face-to-face with others, which I think creates a much more intimate, personable relationship than interacting through a digital screen.

I'd say digital media has a fairly big role in my life. I use the internet all the time to stay socially connected through email and facebook, to look up videos on youtube, to read the news, etc. Although I use digital resources a lot, I try not to become to consumed with/addicted to it.

I have very little experience in growing food (just little, simple things like growing a strawberry plant), but I would love to learn how to grow more food. One day I want to have my own vegetable garden!

I became interested in art around the same time I started ballet, when I was 12. I started becoming more and more interested in dance as an art form, not just a recreational activity, which opened my eyes to other art forms as well (both performing and visual arts).

Advice I would give teenagers who are newly arrived in the US would be to be very open and try a lot of new things, meet a lot of people, and take advantage of all the opportunities the US offers.

I have travelled to Mexico once on a cruise. It was a very touristy trip, so I didn't get to fully experience the culture as much as I would have hoped. I have never lived in a foreign country, but I hope to one day! I am not a very worldly person, but I hope to be in the future.

I think growing up in Southern California--really close to the Mexican border, as well as being very diverse in other races--exposed me to other cultures. Because I grew up with this diversity I learned to be very tolerant/open-minded to other races/cultures.

What matters most to me is my family and friends, and living life in happiness. Since I grew up in such a big, loving family I really emphasize the importance of being close to and staying in touch with family and friends. Without the support of my family and friends my life would be incomplete. Happiness also plays a big part in my life. I believe one should live their life for themselves (not to sound too selfish), and make happiness a priority. Material possessions, money, etc. should not hold greater importance in one's life than true happiness.